Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Jesus Wouldn't Like It...

Since my children were old enough to stare at the talking box their father and I have tried very hard to shelter them from excessive violence, disturbing images, even commercials...cause lets face it, the little fuckers behind all that advertising know our little angels will pester the ever living SHIT out of us until they get their Cookie Crisp.

Despite our best efforts, alas they are getting to an age where we simply try to keep them from killing each other, or at the least, bleeding on the carpet. (Yes, I jest...sorta) They truly are very loving to each other, however I have come to the conclusion becoming accustomed to violence is inevitable. Bubby has just come home from his PSR class (Weekly Catholic tutoring, required to belong to the church, even if you are just a child...more on that later, my son loves it so it's cool, whatever). Anyhoo...Bubby is telling Boo about the most exciting movie he watched at "religion" (our old fashioned slang for this weekly class)

"There was this little boy named David, and there was this big Giant named Goliath who was mean and killed everybody. The people were scared to fight him...the soldiers I mean...but David took a rock and put it in a sling shot and hit him in the head with it. It even STUCK in his head and blood was was so cool! And he was just little like us!"

Boo's response to this is "Mom am I big enough to kill somebody?"

Sigh...."I'm sure you are son, but I really hope you don't. ...... Jesus wouldn't like it."

Whatta ya gonna do??


poeticmrksmn said...

Raise them right teach them right from wrong and common sense will kick in. Trust me i know everyday i would love to go crzy on people but violence is wrong and common sense kicks in and i think i dont wanna go to

Jada said...

Jail would suck...I am often accused of sheltering them too much, but it seems the Bible will open their eyes to things I would wish to shelter them from...*insert a sarcastic Hallelujah*

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