Today another angel visited my porch...more groceries and necessities. I am humbled beyond words, but thankful. There are even razors in you know how long it's been since I shaved my legs?? Trust me, you don't want to know. Razors have not been on the shopping list in a loooong time. If women have survived hairy legs for 5000 years, I assume I can last a few weeks when I am plannin my budget. My heart is so thankful..and there is just no way to express just HOW VERY THANKFUL I am...and yet the depression is nipping at my ankles. Biting hard...the siren song of darkness...crawl in my bed, turn off the lights, sleep all day, awake all night, avoiding calls and knocks on the door. The Beast is stomping, huffing and puffing in my head. I have cracked the whip, screamed at him, kicked at him...and he just laughs. I don't have the energy to fight this battle...I keep thinking just one more nap and I will feel better. Well that would make 2 already today and it's only 12:33pm! I hate this disease with a livid passion. But even that hate is not enough to fight it sometimes. Looks like a call to the Wizard will be in order very soon....
my depression and anxiety
5 years ago
You my dear just need to know who to call and to get ahold of seriously good moments are needed and a few laughs and someone who isnt afraid or scared of this demon you carry and tr to hide i am here for you no matter what dispite the shit that is goin on in my life right now i love you more then you know think of you often and wish i was around you more then i am i miss you and hope you realize that i know the demon you hide from and frankly i am not scared of him..
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