Monday, September 26, 2011

Squeaky Karma

Warning: I am staring at this screen blurry eyed, desperately needing sleep but have to give a sick Boo a breathing treatment in 45 mintues and lets face it being woke after just falling asleep only 45 minutes into that beautiful oblivion is like Ed McMahon showing up and saying "Ooops wrong house!" And I swear it is a holiday by sleep fairies everywhere. Their version of April fools, which I am convinced happens far more than once a year...tiny fairies have tiny calenders.

What was I gonna write about again? Ah that good old saying "when it rains it pours"...doesn't that generally always seem to hold true? Maybe not if you are a meteorologist, but for just us average everyday Joe's? This weekend brought illness to me, major relationship changes, a wee bit of fun, and devastating news about my Father and now a very sick little boy...Oh and it rained...a lot! Do you suppose there is some sort of magnetic Karma that piles up somewhere then shoots like a cannon ball right in your naked lap? Because I seem to have a domino effect happen often!

And since I dragged Karma into the convo, WHAT THE HELL?! Really...who did I hurt recently. Pissing people off should not count as a karma issue right? Technically people choose how they are going to behave about something, so if you are pissed off at me, especially without just cause, that really shouldn't add to the bad Karma right? I never set out to anger anyone, it happens, but never intentionally. I do not like drama, nor can I tolerate much of it in my life. So really, what the fuck?

In addition to finding out what the strange squeaking noise I hear every few seconds somewhere in this house (auditory hallucinations perhaps?) I am trying to figure how things got so fucked up in the last 3 days? I would just throw in the towel, but I FINALLY did the laundry and really don't feel like sullying one at the moment....

This blog really wasn't meant to be all that funny or interesting, mostly a means to keep me awake but it only took 5min so I will have to find amusement elsewhere, but I am pleased to note that either the cat and I are both crazy or there really is a strange noise in this house tonight....
Signing Off As ~ Delirious


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