Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Territorial Pissings and Interventions

Do you ever get that feeling people are watching you, talking about you, whispers in the corners of the rooms? Paranoia one might call it...but if it's true, is it really paranoia? As the song says just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you...I am having my own Nirvana moment about that. If that sentence doesn't make sense to you, your musical tastes suck, anyhoo...

Some of my friends are starting to show signs of this watching and whispering. I try to remember that they only have my best interest at heart and shouldn't feel uncomfortable with this. I have a great group of close friends, a small group, but a safe and trustworthy group who love me, watch out for me and kick my ass whenever necessary. The latter happens more often than I prefer, but perhaps if I could keep my act together it would not be necessary. I think I have figured out their worry. And need to find a polite way to tell them I am ok. The pending intervention is completely unnecessary...just pay my cable bill for me!! See I have no TV...and currently no good book to read, and am currently stuck inside with a sick child...so YUP, thanks to technology and mobile devices I have become one of THEM.....A Facebook Junkie! *Insert Musical Interlude....Us and Them ~ Pink Floyd*

I am sure it's just a phase, I will grow out of it. If Dr. Phil shows up at my door I am shooting someone. Just sayin'...


woundedsoul78 said...

Part of me says be honored they care to notice enough to "watch" you, but yet the other part of me can see where you are coming from and why you get frustrated (for lack of a better word) with their concern and worry...Even though I am not a "close" friend to you, honestly at times I tend to at times catch myself "watching you" from a distance as well. I think that goes hand in hand with being in similar shoes often....but with that said, "Out of my way, it's a busy day, I've got things on my mind" :)

Jada said...

Oh honey this was ENTIRELY tongue in cheek...nobody is really worrying, or whispering, (well someone always SEEMS to be whispering about me but well, you know me, fuck it). A joking text brought this post to my mind today. I love you dear, you always make me smile!!

woundedsoul78 said...

Ok, just checking! Wait does then mean I am "watching" too much!...and as for being a Facebook Junkie, people need to worry about me when I am NOT one...my crackbook, I mean facebook, is what actually keeps me sane! Well maybe not, but we both know I will never be sane! *Wink* Glad I can make you smile!...and as for books right now, if you still have your Droid phone and if use the Kindle app do a search for free Kindle vampire books! There are many out there, most are "short stories" or novelettes, but still good, and you can't beat free!

Disturbed_Believer_913 said...

I feel the exact opposite to this post actually

Jada said...

T...I would worry severely if I didn't see you on FB! LOL It was my only connection to the world when I was a SAHM too!...Stasha, tell me you wouldn't like to shoot Dr. Phil... you know you wanna!

woundedsoul78 said...

I am not T...I'm S

Jada said...
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Jada said...

Ok, glad we got that all cleared up, thanks for the private message! Now I know who you REALLY are! Muahahahaha!

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